Contact Us
United States: 224 Crown Ave Floral Park NY 11001
Pakistan: 149 L-Block Model Town Lahore 54000
Email Address
Phone Numbers
US: +1-347-277-4871
PK: +92-339-2033322
Support Methods
Service Desk
Dedicated service desk staffed by trained level one support engineers is at your service.
APIFANI facilitates escalations in accordance with the agreed-upon Service Level Agreements (SLAs), transitioning from first-level support to second and subsequently to third-level support when necessary.
Reactive Onsite and Remote Support
Reactive Operation and Services provided by receiving supports requests from the clients via email, chat or voice. Trackable and unique service Ids are generated, prioritized and managed by expert and trained staff available as per the support level agreements.
Focused Technical Engineering Support
APIFANI offers on-site support engineering services as required, aimed at enhancing and optimizing customer operations.